Roles, Responsibilities and Terms of Officers

Annex 2 – Roles & Responsibilities of LDNS Management Committee

Role of Chairman
i) To ensure the smooth management of the network, chairing forum
meetings and to facilitate open, fair and honest discussions.
ii) To ensure effective liaison with the Agency management committee
iii) To take responsibility for communications on behalf of LDNS within and
out-with the sector.
iv) To maintain and develop lines of communication within and out-with the
sector core to maintain and improve the sharing of knowledge, information,
and advice to the core and to the kernel of the sector by attending and
contributing to the below Forums.
v) To report to Stakeholders and management committee members on
activity undertaken on a quarterly basis.
vi) To ensure that information is made available to the public, using whatever
communications methods may be deemed appropriate.
vii) To act as finance lead and treasurer for all financial matters.

Vice Chairman
i) To assist by open comment, the Chairman, with the management
committee and stakeholders, in-house work and outreach
ii) To relay knowledge and comment to the Chairman to assist their better

Management Committee
i) Representatives from NatureScot are to provide direct funding to facilitate
the function of the forum and contribute to any relevant discussions on
lowland deer management.
ii) Representatives of Scottish Forestry, Forestry Land Scotland & Transport
Scotland are to contribute to any relevant discussions on lowland deer
iii) NatureScot is to support financial management, arrangement of forum
meetings and annual summit, secretariat to support forum meetings and
associated communications via LDNS website.
iv) The Management committee will discuss any pertinent topics and the
subsequent notes of all meetings will be made available on the LDNS
website once approved by the management committee.

Forums to attend
Deer Management Round Table, DMRT, Association of Deer Management Groups
Executive Committee, ADMG. Scottish Venison Association, SVA, Wild Deer Best
Practice Working Group, WDBPWG and PAWS Poaching & Coursing Priority Group.

The Chairman’s honorarium may be drawn down for office work, attendance at
Forum and site visits, at a rate of £40 per hour (plus VAT), mileage and expenses as
charged / spent. Mileage will be at a commercial rate of 45p per mile.
An allowance is granted for use of office functions, equipment and stationery
provided at a rate of £100 per quarter, plus VAT.
The Chairman, and Officers are entitled to claim outlays, expenses, and dues from
the account on a quarterly basis having exhibited the fee to the sponsors.

LDNS is to maintain records of annual expenditure linked with Office Bearers
expenses and any associated forum events which can be made available to any

Signed by:
Jamie Hammond
Deer Operations Manager, NatureScot
Signature Date 17.4.2024
John Bruce
Chairman, Lowland Deer Network Scotland
Signature Date 17 April 2024
Alasdair Young
Vice Chairman, Lowland Deer Network Scotland
Signature Date. 17th April 2024